Most Playlisted Commuting Songs on Spotify

Looking for some sweet tunes for your morning commute? Here at personal car leasing and business car leasing comparison site Lease Fetcher, we've compiled the most popular songs for commuting on Spotify. See the ultimate commuting playlist below.

Most commuting songs are from the


The most popular commuting song genre is


A great commuting song lasts


Commuting Songs

are Danceable

These songs have an average danceability score of 0.6.

danceable gif

high energy gif

Commuting Songs

are high energy

These songs have an average energy score of 0.66.

Commuting Songs

have a high tempo

These songs have an average tempo of 122.1.

high tempo gif


To determine what features make a good song for commuting, we used the audio features component of the Spotify API service. In total, we collected information about 1,144,504 tracks (312,341 unique) across 11,657 playlists, with a total of 30,992,952 followers. We searched for all playlists with the words “driving” and “commuting” in the title and pulled information about all the tracks on these playlists into a database. We then identified the tracks which appeared most across all of the playlists and calculated the average scores for some of their primary audio features, namely:

  • Danceability - refers to how suitable a song is for dancing (based on tempo, beat strength, regularity). 0.0 is not danceable and 1.0 is very danceable.
  • Energy - refers to how fast, loud, and noisy a song is. A score of 0.0 is very low energy and 1.0 is high energy.
  • Tempo - refers to the number of beats per minute. The higher the BPM, the faster the pace of the song.

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